Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Monday, December 22, 2014

Tubes & Surgeries

These past few weeks have been hard. I have been so sick I haven't been able to update. Well, two weeks ago I was in the hospital at USA Children's & Women's because my tube was clogged. They used every wrong method in an attempt to unclog it and ended up flipping the J part of my NG tube into my stomach. So, I decided to go to Providence because at that time I wasn't sure if it was flipped or not but I was right, it was flipped. The GI at Providence admitted me in a attempt to do the surgery and he COMPLETELY botched it. We had trouble from anesthesia(I was awake the whole time)to not getting the scope in due to scar tissue from Crohn's. After surgery he basically admitted to malpractice. He had never done the surgery before. He hasn't even had a patient with a permanent feeding tube! So after major finger shaking and a screaming match I asked to be discharged so I could see MY Surgeon & GI in Birmingham. Behold! They did the surgery with no issues whatsoever. We came home last Thursday.

On Friday I had a doctor appointment with my PCP & was DX with multiple infections from my ears to my throat to my sinsus's. It was kind of a shock to me. I guess I'm just so used to being sick I don't realize when I'm "normal" sick. But, still, I'm recovering. Step by step. Other than being DX with all kinds of yucky stuff and being DX as vitamin deficient, I had a great appointment. He RX me all kind of meds for my infection and sleep and pain meds. I am very blessed to have Dr. Rawlings. For now, I shall recover. I will try to update later.

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