Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Thursday, November 13, 2014

ER adventures

Tuesday night I landed myself in the ER. My Gastroparesis & Crohn's were so out of control & my mom was picking up Blake from school so I had no choice but to call 911 which I've NEVER done before! My mom has called 911 maybe three times in the whole 5 years of me being sick with Crohn's, Gastroparesis, Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis and Endometriosis. She got to the house at the same time the ambulance did & by that time, I was miserable from throwing up blood and pooping blood constantly.

The ambulance brought me to the ER & my mom followed behind. I got my least favorite ER doctor but I think he could tell I was not in the mood for his BS. I was given Dilaudid, Zofran, antibiotics and fluids. I put contrast through my feeding tube for the CT. The CT scan showed my Crohn's was very severe and because my stomach was so paralyzed, that's why I kept throwing up. They wanted to admit me but I refused because next week u get my G tube changed to a GJ tube so they RX me meds in suppository form so I didn't have to take anything by mouth. I was given another dose of Zofran & Dilaudid before I left.

Having two out of four diseases(Crohn's & Gastroparesis)that you have ran out of medical options for is scary. Waiting for a cure is scary. I have taken every Crohn's medication available except Entyvio because it is not approved for the treatment of Juvenile Arthritis also. I have tried very med for Gastroparesis also and it either didn't work or it would make my Crohn's worse. So here I am, eighteen, feeding tube dependent because of a never ending flare & paralyzed stomach. Yet, most days, I'm okay with that. My hope is in Him. Not this Earth. The only thing I can do is pray for peace and my doctors to have compassion and wisdom. I am very blessed to have amazing support from family and loved ones and that in its self is half the battle.

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