Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Brain Fog

Today I feel....miserable. I haven't felt this weak in forever. I woke up at 1:30 this afternoon after sleeping for 13 hours straight. I tried taking morning as well as afternoon medications but I just don't even want to think about that right now. My head is pounding. I have blackout curtains in my room & only a slither of light can shine through from the top of the curtain; even that slither, is too much light combined with my iPhone screen on the lowest setting for brightness. Everything is ganging up on me at once. Endometriosis, Crohn's Disease, Junior Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gastroparesis and let us not forget the dreaded "normal sick" that has been plaguing the house.

Last night I started spotting way too early than I should have. Since being put on birth control for my Endometriosis, everything has been smooth sailing. I enjoy only having four periods a month. This month my cycle has been out of whack. I can't help but thing it's because my Endometriosis is back, I'm not digesting my birth control, I'm too sick to have a normal period, or it's a combination of all three. When it comes time for me to have my period, I'm usually pale(r) and weak(er) from the increased anemia. Today, isn't any different. 

I plan to pick up my little brother in a hour and when I return home, I shall start my feeds and...sleep yet again.

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