Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Sunday, October 12, 2014

World Arthritis Day

 World Arthritis Day is today! Arthritis can affect anyone of any age whether it be inflammatory, degenerative or any combination of sorts. I had my gallbladder taken out at 13. The second youngest in Providence's hospital history. Little did we know that liver and biliary issues are a sign of Crohn's. My surgeon waited too long to perform the surgery. It was too late. I was septic with a gallbladder full of stones. I woke up from surgery with unbearable pain in every joint. Then the GI issues came. I've always had GI issues. Heck, I had my first scope at 6? But nothing to this magnitude. 5 years & multiple diagnosis later, I still suffer from arthritis. It's not an old people's disease as much as the public would like to believe it is. 

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