Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Normal Sick

Last Saturday I took my Cimzia. Everything was going great other than the post-cimzia blues. Unfortunately on Sunday my little brother developed a bad sinus infection. On Monday & Tuesday I knew something was brewing. Hot flashes to the point of sweating, throat pain, headaches, drainage in the back of my throat & I just knew that I caught his bug. Yesterday I went to Urgent Care where my suspicions were confirmed. I got a Z-pack, cough syrup, NyQuil & nose spray. This morning? I feel even worse. Not only has this infection gotten worse but I have only been up for 1 hours & have 'been to the bathroom' three times and the stomach cramps are horrendous. My joint pain in my knees & hips is through the roof & the hot flashes are constant. Right now I sit with my basket of medications to my left & a fan blowing in my face to my right as well as my ceiling can on high. 

When your immune system is suppressed while you have a autoimmune disease, every cold, every infection & every flu causes WW3 in your body. The white coats(white blood cells)are building their infantry to fight not only your infection but also your body. When you have a autoimmune disease, your body is already trying to fight it's self. If you can remember the World Cup this year, you know, the time when everyone became a soccer expert although the only soccer game they probably ever attended was their 3 year old nieces Upward soccer game. Yeah that. You know the type of uproar everyone went into when someone would kicked the ball IN THE WRONG GOAL!?! That's how autoimmune diseases are. They're basically hurting their own team. When you throw an infection into the mix, it's anyone's game. According to this analogy, basically the World Cup is happening in my body & I just want it to be over. I'm rooting for you white blood cells! Show that infection's who's boss! But please don't attack my body in the process!

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