Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Kidney stone(s)-update

Sorry I haven't posted in close to a week but my kidney stone has been giving me hell. I went to the ER tonight in pain & unable to pee. They put in a catheter & I got a CT to see if I passed the kidney stone. They said I had not one kidney stone, but now I have SEVERAL kidney stones! Some in my bladder & some in my kidneys! The best the doctor could explain is I either passed the original stone & my body made a lot more or I didn't pass the original stone & my body kept making more.

I got referred to the urologist again & this time we're actually going to see one if these don't pass.

He put me on stronger pain meds, flomax & nausea meds & gave me a shot of dilaudid & phenergan in the ER.

If I continue having issues I may need to get admitted so they can figure this out & possibly have surgery.

It sucks because my mom has surgery on Tuesday & will be in the hospital for a a few days & I'm planning on staying in there with her. I can't stay with her if I'm admitted myself! So, hopefully the flomax gets them out this time!

If it's not my Crohn's, Endometriosis, Gastroparesis or JRA it's always something else!

On the bright side, last Monday I turned 18 & I had an amazing party Saturday night with a few friends, family friends & family!

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