Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Monday, July 28, 2014

3rd Hospital Admission in 3 Weeks

Yesterday I had a fever & felt horrible; I went to the ER for my kidney stones again & today I had an appointment with a new urologist since the rest were booked. He had no answer as to what's causing the kidney stones & he doesn't think they're causing my pain(which makes no sense because even he admitted I had all the symptoms)but he wasn't sure because he only got 1/3 of my CT's. He thinks my crohn's could be causing the kidney stones because we(crohn's patients)produce something that causes kidney stones or possibly the Imuran I'm on could be causing them. Only time will tell. Until then, waiting to get in with other specialists.

I'm so tired of having no answers! How can I have kidney stones, have all the symptoms of kidney stones, the main one being flank PAIN, but not have my kidney stones be the source of that pain? He said it would only happen if it was in my bladder or blocking something & I know one of the other CT's showed it in the bladder. Ugh please help me & pray for answers....

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