Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Monday, March 24, 2014

Rough Battle at The Hospital

Hello everyone I haven't been able to update as much as I'd like but I know ya'll understand that Crohn's is one of the most unpredictable disease out there. The past 48 hours have been very hard on me and everyone else so I haven't had a chance to update anyone but I think my mom has been doing a good job updating close family and friends. 
Last night my IV blew. Which wouldn't be that big of a deal but my veins might as well be nonexistent because my long term steroid use has ruined them. They sought out people from all over the hospital. They didn't get an IV till 12 in the morning even with the "Vein finder" which is like an ultra sound for veins. We're discussing possibly placing a midline. They were going to do a PICC but I've been under anesthesia too much today as it is.

Today I have had tests ran all day and they are still going! I had an upper endoscopy in the early afternoon and the results were pretty bad. I've had gastritis for a long time because of my Crohn's but this time it's REALLY bad. My entire stomach is full of inflammation and certain parts are nothing but big patches of ulceration. They took biopsies to see if something else is going on to cause it to be like that. They suspect if it isn't my Crohn's it could be another disease in addition to my Crohn's, Celiac Disease. I am trying not to think about that negativity so I haven't really told anyone. The inflammation explains why it's so hard for me to eat even liquids without throwing up. After I was done in recovery they wheeled my bed from the GI lab to radiation where they started my small bowel follow through. It's been going on now for 4 hours which is extremely long. I hate that they started it as soon as I came out of recovery because just drinking two cups of contrast was agonizing. They ended up medicating me, taking X-ray, let me sleep for 30 minutes, then repeat the process. They let me back to my room 2 hours ago so I could relax more in my own environment and they've been bringing the X-ray back here every  30 minutes or so. It's so hard to get any rest because the hospitalists are in and out, the on call GI, nurses, people taking stats etc etc. I'm just exhausted from it all and tired of fighting off all this nausea, pain and inflammation. 

My GI will become the on call GI tomorrow and we'll go from there and hopefully he'll have some results from the SBFT that I'm doing now and we can see what we need to do to get me healthy enough to do the colonoscopy. 

Please continue to pray for me, my family and doctors to have patience, wisdom and understanding. I know that the only thing keeping us going is not just medicine but the man upstairs ⬆ I miss everyone at school terribly. Thanks for everything. I love y'all 💕

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