Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Friday, March 21, 2014

Back in the hospital

Tuesday I was admitted back in the hospital for my Crohn's flare. I've been in so much pain and having so much nausea that I couldn't control it at home. Ever since Tuesday we've been doing nothing. No doctor has came in except for an internist. We were told that my GI doctor wasn't on call and he didn't want anyone to scope me so he wanted to admit me to keep me comfortable enough and get my nausea under enough control that I can do the colonoscopy in April or until he became the on call GI and possibly get my colonoscopy moved up faster.

The internist came in yesterday and said that he didn't want to expose me to anymore radiation because I've had enough of that to last a lifetime and I just had a CT not too long ago. I was scheduled for a ultrasound but they couldn't do it for a few reasons(to check for fistulas, something common with Crohn's).

The past 45 minutes though have made up for all the boringness. I got my pain meds and was ready to join my mom and go to sleep but then a visitor came in so I had to get up and socialize with them for a bit(which I can't complain because that was very sweet of her!). Then mid conversation with my visitor, my school called my mom but she couldn't answer because she was sleeping so I had to answer it. 
They wanted to know what has happened so far today and wanting to know if I was coming back after I explained to them how sick I was. I told them that no doctor has came in but an Internist and that even the on call GI or anyone from his team had came to visit me. As soon as I said that someone from my GI doctor's team came in, much to my surprise! It took for what seemed like forever for the school to hang up so I could talk to the doctor.
I really couldn't read the doctor's body language because at that point I was super tired. She said that the GI on call wants a stool sample to rule out CDiff and that we'll go from there as far as treatment wise. She also said the on call GI that I saw last week would see me later on today so that's good. She said some other things about wanting me to sign release papers for her to get my colonoscopy results from this summer but at that point I was just ready for her to get out of my room because 

A) They haven't been in here all week
B) I just got my steroids with my pain meds and I was already irritable because I was sleepy and the prednisone made it so much worse.

Then when I thought that I could finally lay my head down, the church called to pray for me. 

God is teaching me patience even in the hospital lol.

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