Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Sunday, February 23, 2014

To the sufferers and the supporters

Dear Little Fighter, 

There comes a time, actually a lot of times, when you're just so worn down from battling something(whether it be a chronic disease or whatever trial)that you just have to break down and stop lying to yourself and everyone & admit you are breaking. You aren't strong enough to get out of bed. You aren't strong enough to stop crying. You aren't strong enough to handle the pain by yourself. And it sucks. It really really sucks. And that's okay I think. Everyone keeps telling me it's going to get better but the truth is it may not. No one knows. And I think it's okay to say "Life sucks a lot right now." Just please realize that you don't have to be strong enough. And it's totally okay to be absent from God. It's so okay to ignore him for a day or two but you need to know that he is the only one going to be there for you at all times and he loves you and he cares for you more than anyone. You have made it this far and I am so proud of you.

Dear friends & family of the Chronic Illness Community,

Most people don't know what to do when they have a friend who is battling a really hard trial. They usually just give them space and that's actually the worse thing you can do. Some days I need my space but when I'm just really knocked down hard by life I just want someone to realize that what I really want is someone to step up to the plate and give me a big hug and just let me vent. Throw a sleepover. Ask them to hang out in a comfortable setting. Get some ice cream and watch Gossip Girl on Netflix. Just do something so they don't feel so alone. Because although I have family and a handful of friends who are always there, most people are not. And I realize it's really hard to have a friend who is chronically ill. I know it is. I couldn't imagine. But you really are breaking their heart when your only there for the good times and not the bad. We just want a constant in our life and we depend on friends and family to be that constant. I'm just giving advice because I know most of y'all don't know what to say when I'm in the hospital or absent from school for days at a time. Please take it and meditate on it. Please. 

I love all of you & am so so so grateful for your love and support. You will always have a friend in me. Once you're in my life, you will always be in my heart. 

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