Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Home Sweet Hospital!

This week has been a very, very bad week. This weekend I was so stressed because we have so many projects due simultaneously so I've been staying up all night every night for weeks. On Sunday a friend of mine died. He was my absolute best friend's everything.

Monday: On Monday I went to school to turn in a 2 page MLA format paper & art project during first period(that we had a few days to do). If it wasn't for that project I probably wouldn't have even went to school. I went through first period and left. 

That afternoon I was feeling really bad so I went in to Urgent Care. The doctor started an IV ASAP while the nurses got me morphine/phenergan/Benadryl/steroids/lomotil/fluids/potassium. He suspected I was in a bad flare because I've been so stressed with school, I flare a lot during season changes and I just tapered off steroids. I'm pretty much steroid dependent but I didn't expect to get that bad so quickly. The doctor was so sweet and treated me like a queen. He checked on me nonstop and said "Do not go to school tomorrow. Bring your school work here & I will do it for you." :) I went home to rest after the infusions were done. The doctor has a lot of knowledge of Crohn's for being an Urgent Care doctor.

Tuesday: I still felt bad and went to the ER at a hospital I've never been before. I usually go to a peds one because my local peds GI is there but I'm trying to switch ALL my doctors to the adult world. My endo/arthritis doctors are adult doctors.

 The people in the ER were surprisingly very nice. The ER doctor said "I don't care what they say, you're sick and you're getting admitted." 

Tuesday night the GI and an internist came in. The GI(who I never met before!) greeted me with "Hello the Queen of Crohn's! Someone in your chart wrote that you were the Queen of Crohn's!" He was so sweet.

They started me on solumedrol(IV steroids). They were going to scope me but they knew my tummy couldn't tolerate it so they set up a CT scan.

Wednesday(yesterday): I had to drink the contrast and I threw it up but I still did the CT scan anyways. It showed bowel thickening and irritation in the ileum and cecum. The doctor said that my disease is so severe that the milder meds I'm on(in addition to the biologics) aren't doing anything so he's stopping that. He wants to put me on Imuran with Cimzia when I get out of the hospital and continue steroids in hopes that it will give the Imuran time to kick in. Not excited about having a fat face and stomach during spring break/graduation but if it will help me....

Today: The internist and a resident came in. We talked about how I was feeling and they told me again that the CT showed some irritation and thickening. I told then I was feeling a lot better but still having nausea and pain. I've been on clear liquids but they're going to put me on "full liquids". Which means they're going to add grits, pudding,ice cream etc. When I can tolerate regular food and take meds by mouth I can go home. 

So basically that's what's been happening! They put me in the computer as peds but since I'm 17, I see an adult doctor here. I also have one peds nurse and one adult nurse. My first taste in the "adult Crohn's world" has been very pleasant this far. This hospital is the bomb.

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