Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Generation Y

We're the generation of many things. 

We're the generation of parents who are still bitter over divorces that happened before we turned double digits.

The generation forbidden to be in a relationship with the man or woman of our dreams because of tradition
Whether it be because of the melanin in their skin or the 4 digit number that signifies the year of their birth

The generation of young Romeo's and Juliet's
Determined to do any and everything to have their shot at this thing called love that they read about in books in grade school.

We're the generation of never quite good enough.
The "damned if you do and damned if you don't" generation
We're the generation of sleeping in until 12 PM so you don't have to face the worries of tomorrow
We're the generation of such stress & anxiety that drives 13 year old little girls to insane asylums
We're the generation suffering of incurable childhood diseases that aren't as recognizable as Lymphoma or Osteosarcoma

We're the generation not promised a future even if you have a PhD in biomedical sciences. 
The generation with valedictorians that rush to work at the coffee shop after school and sneak their Physics book under the counter and calculator beneath the blender because once they get home their will be no time to study with four younger siblings waiting at home to be fed and tucked in bed. 
The generation where that Valedictorian won't go to her dream school but instead the pothead down the road will because his uncle knows a guy in the admissions department.

The generation of Jesus freaks, atheists, and agnostics alike. We all have the same thing in common though. We wake up on Sunday morning to worship something. The lipgloss on our sleepy lover's lips or the creator of the former.

We're the generation of many things but notice, that laziness is not one of them.

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