Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Thoughts on a Cold Rainy Day

Some days like today when the rain is falling on my windshield and I turn on the radio only to hear about the climbing divorce rate I can't help but shake my head. Then I get a phone call about "Guess who's getting a divorce?" when I used to get similar calls about "Guess who's getting married?". Some days like today I can't help but think maybe some things aren't meant to last. Maybe God was wrong about that one because sometimes going to church every Sunday isn't enough to save a marriage.

Seems like yesterday I was imagining a future with a man & two kids but on some days like today I can't help but just see a gloomy one bedroom apartment in Birmingham. Maybe marriage isn't right for me or maybe marriage isn't right for anyone. Maybe it was just a fad. People grow apart. Feelings change. Maybe lust locked lovers confuse infatuation with love because they've never known what love is in the first place.

But then on days like today I turn into my school parking lot and see two young lovers kiss in the rain and I sigh a sigh of relief and maybe marriage isn't a lost cause or maybe it is. Maybe people just don't know how to love anymore or maybe they just stop loving each other like young lovers kissing in the rain. 

And on days like today I smile to myself and all I know is some things work out and some things don't and it doesn't necessarily mean some people aren't  trying to keep the relationship together. It may just mean that they need to kiss in the rain and get their hair soaked and tangled every once in a while.

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