Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Monday, December 30, 2013

Reflections of 2013

The year 2013 has come and gone in a blink of an eye. I know they say Senior year flies by but I didn't expect it to go by so fast first semester! I've accomplished a lot in the year 2013. I became an official member of Delta Beta Sigma at the beginning of the year. I applied and got accepted to several internships and volunteer organizations at hospitals and got to help make some other sick kids live's a little bit easier. I went to Camp M.A.S.H as a junior camp counselor last summer and met several life long friends also battling arthritis and other related diseases. I've become even more involved in the CCFA(How is that possible?!) & I even got accepted to be on the Ronald McDonald House Red Shoe Krewe. Oh, and I got my license. That's pretty important, right? ;)

I made several academic accomplishments. I've applied and been accepted to colleges. I was voted Chaplain of my the band for the second year in a row and was voted Chaplain over the band. I've maintained very good grades despite my illnesses.

I was admitted to the hospital 3 times this year during most of my Summer but I didn't let my diseases hold me back. I was also DX with another disease, Endometriosis. I've gained and lost doctors about as frequently as I gain and lose weight. 

I've met and lost friends. I'm not happy about the friends I lost but I know that everything falls apart and comes together for a reason. It's a part of life and most of these people that are my friends will be gone and scattered across the country after May. 

I've learned some tough life lessons but I'm glad I learned them in my youth rather than later. I've come a long way in 2013. I've become a lot more social and accepting. I think I've finally found out who I am in this world after a lot of internal conflict and in 2014 be prepared to see the Elizabeth I've always wanted to be because I'm tired of living life trying to please any & everyone but myself. Time to grow up in 2014. Time to own who I am. 

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