Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Healing Series

Tonight my mom got a text from her friend inviting us to go to her church because she had a feeling God had something good in store for us. The church was a physical stranger to me but I have heard great things about the church because some friends from school go there. My freshman year of high school I found out the preacher was a friend of mines dad after he spoke at a school chapel. Although I was feeling absolutely miserable I drug myself to their church with a slightly closed mind that it was just going to be another church. 

Much to my surprise the church was more than I imagined. It wasn't a good church service. No, no it was much more than that. The service opened up with a very modern praise and worship band jamming out to some of my favorite songs. A guest speaker spoke about leadership and being a missionary. He was so encouraging and just made me think: No matter what I major in I will make a huge difference as long as I become obsessed with living life unto The Lord. I will be a world changer. Sure, some doors have closed and I made the sad realization that going to medical school is not practical & neither is PA school and it will probably be the best for me to be *just* a nurse. I have been struggling with the idea of being a nurse because I've always dreamed of being a doctor and thought that was what God wanted me to do. I also have always had issues with nurses during hospital stays that are mean, rude and just flat out hate their job but after tonight I think I am coming to the realization that, just like how I wanted to make a difference in patients life as a doctor, I can do just that and more as a nurse(and future nurse practitioner) one day. 

After the sermon was over praise and worship ensued again and no matter how hard I tried to continue to worship, my body was just dead and writhing in pain. A young lady came up to me and asked me what my name was. I told her I was Elizabeth and she said "You know that's a strong powerful name. That's royalty." To which I thought "Well I am the Queen of Crohn's" Hahaha! She continued to tell me that God was going to heal me and slightly implied that the reason why I wasn't healed was because I didn't have faith. That made me a little mad. Ok a lot mad but then I just took a deep breath and said "Elizabeth keep an open mind. She's not making snide remarks. She has no idea how spiritual you are and how much faith you have. You are chaplain at FAITH Academy for gooses sake!" I just wish I could tell her that I already know god is going to heal me & that the reason I'm not healed is not due to a lack of faith it's because God is still using my pain as a ministry to others & he will heal me in his timing but, alas, I didn't. & I am oh so glad I didn't because what happened after that was amazing. She called over the pastor and an elderly couple that were prayer warriors and they prayed over me in a way that no one has prayed before. They prayed in JESUS name for no more inflammation in my body or polyps or any discord and for my cells to multiply and then they anointed me with oil from Jerusalem(which is a first) and something crazy happened. My intense stomach pain went AWAY! It lasted just for an hour but still for that hour the pain was gone and the pain is no where near as bad as it was going in the church now. 

I am so happy I went to their church tonight it was phenomenal!

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