Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Dr. Why?

So today I had another big infusion after senior breakfast(which is a big get together fellowship thing with all the seniors and their parents and we eat and yeah).

My face looks so chubby; gotta love that prednisone!

Anyways, yesterday we tried to get an appointment with a GI that sees adults that I've heard good things about that's in the same group as my Rheum only to find out today that we got an appointment with a GI today, right after my infusion, who is in the same group as my Rheum but not the doctor I wanted to see. I got the guy that I've heard bad wasn't so great. Oh Joy.

In the mean time my mom finally got a call back from my GI specialist in Gardendale after we left messages saying that my not only did my Rheum not admit me yesterday like he asked him to because of my low immune system but he also put me on freaky high prednisone infusions at a place that was not....sterile to say the least(trying to abide by HIPPA y'all). My GI was not happy with him for not following directions but it was too late.

We met the new local GI in the same group with my Rheum and my first impression went as followed: he marched in the room, slung his clipboard on the table(the bed looking thing you lay on) and plopped into the chair and quickly spewed out questions without missing a beat. The questions weren't as accusing like other mean doctors do. I guess he at least has some sense that it's not my fault not all of my doctors can agree on meds and which ones will put me in remission. He threw meaningless jabs & random questions at me to the effect of "What year and date where you DX? Why did you take that medicine? Do you even know what meds you are on?" and I threw the jabs back with my quick accurate responses. He simmyed down after that and didn't relay any eye contact. It all went so quick it was like he had a set amount of questions in his mind to ask and didn't let me ask any myself. Basically what happened is he stated: Assuming your DX is correct, and you are flaring and have yet to get in remission and from what you are telling me about your disease location we can put you on Imuran/6 MP. If you are still feeling bad in a few weeks even on steroids I can scope you but there's no telling how skewed the results can be. If you do have a lot of scarring and ulceration in the small bowel then you probably need to get surgery so we can start over. If I scope you and you are in remission that doesn't mean you don't have Crohn's it just means you have another problem.

So basically he had all these ideas that he didn't put into action and he didn't and neither did ANY of my doctors set up a long lasting plan if I still continue to have problems other than "Call the office" crap that, as I've come to know us a cop out of "I really don't care at this moment come back when your on your death bed."

I'm just so emotionally drained from all these doctor's appointments. I just wish I had a small set of doctors in the same practice which is what we tried to do today but the GI acted like he has never talked to my Rheum before. I just want a doctor compassionate like my GI doctor in Birmingham(and his personality), who is well respected(like my old GI) and who has some sort of plan(like my rheum) & who doesn't accuse me of being a pill popping drug seeker. I haven't had a script for pain meds since my post hospital stay 2 freaking years ago. I'm so tired and drained and I'm just ready for someone to save me. God can only do so much from afar & I don't know. After barreling this crap for 5 years you wander if God has already used your life allowance of miracles.

I just really want to cry and eat a lot of junk food and call Dr. King and sleep until I wake up and I'm not throwing up, nauseated, crapping 10x a day, having severe joint pains and OH GOD the pain. 

Why does this all have to happen my senior year?

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