Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

I Have Found Who I am Supposed to be

Cried happy tears for the first time in years today. I was in Coach Skoda's Bible class class in 6th period just thinking "God give me a sign that nursing is the career for me." & I got that and more. I have been battling going into nursing school after graduating for so many personal reasons. I just felt like that this illness has taken away my dream of being a doctor and that there's no way I can make a impact in patient's life as a nurse practitioner because I have never had a nurse make an positive impact in my life. Besides, most nurses only see a patient for a few days and then never see them again. I was thinking how can I impact someone's life in just a few days?

Back to the story. Coach Skoda is a bible teacher that is known for telling random stories that seemingly have nothing to do with each other and then tying it all together to make a powerful message. Well he was finishing up with a lesson about being a Christian living in two worlds. He told us that he was once a wishy-washy Christian but once he became a Christian that lived in one spiritual world that God just orchestrated every one of his problems to work out perfectly. He then told another story about how a leper touched Jesus and how she was healed immediately because she had faith. He then asked "If Jesus walked in this room how many of y'all would want to touch him?" I shot my hand up and just thought about how amazing it would be to just touch God and be healed. He then said  "The same God that healed that woman can heal you through the Holy Spirit if you just have faith. A touch from God whether it be spiritual or physical is powerful." 

He then talked about the verse Psalm 37:4 "Delight thyself in The Lord and he will give you the desires of thy heart." Coach Skoda  looked me straight in the eye and said "Do you know what delight thyself means? It doesn't mean to be happy in the Lord it means to have a soft and pliable heart. You may say "What if my desires aren't God's desires?" Well according to this verse if you remain soft and pliable God's desires for you will become your desire also." 

That right there was enough to bring physical tears to my eyes. That was exactly what I needed to hear. I just needed to have confirmation that if I develop into the Christian God wants me to become(not wishy-washy), and have a soft pliable heart then he will take care of my feelings and give me peace about applying to college and eventually majoring in nursing. 

What he said next was just over top. 

Coach Skoda said "God is our potter and we are the clay. He will mold us into who or what you are supposed to be as long as you are soft and pliable like Psalm 37:4 says. If God wants you to be a nurse and you follow though with his wish even if you aren't sure that's right for you then he will bring honor to your name."

I completely lost it then. He gave me so much confirmation. Coach Skoda could have used any career as an example but he used nurse. I was overwhelmed and if you know me you know I don't cry in front of anyone but I did today! 

And what he said about the leper woman being touched by God & healed because she had faith? I was told Sunday night at church(The River) by a woman that "I just want to let you know that if you have faith you will be healed."  Remember? I made a status about it? & I was then told by the people who prayed over me at church that Elizabeth is the name of royalty and that when God heals me he will bestow honor to my name and I will be able to heal others by touching them.

How insane is that? What are the chances that I would be told by two separate within days of each other that by faith I am healed? What are the chances that those different people would say that honor would be brought to my name and that it is no coincidence my name is Elizabeth, the queen of royalty? What are the chances that someone, MONTHS ago created this FB page for me to post updates on called the QUEEN OF CROHN'S? Queen-as in royalty-as in my name Elizabeth? 

And you know what else just hit me? I was told by the prayer warriors at The River that I would be a faith healer and my touch would heal others in the future. Guess what nurses do? They take care of their patients by TOUCHING them whether it be to give them shots, change their IV dressings, take their temperature/blood pressure etc.

I am now completely at peace with going into nursing school. God is good! Sorry that this was so long but I just had to say how good our God is. I'm having faith that God will take this pain and use it as a testimony to my future patients that God is the ULTIMATE PHYSICIAN!

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