Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I don't want to be the sick girl anymore but everyone expects a never ending performance.

I'm just tired of being sick even though that's what I seem to do best. I want to wake up and think "I'm going to have dinner friends" and then go have dinner with friends. Not just that, no. I want to be able to have dinner with friends and then go to the movies afterwards and eat popcorn without a second thought. How can I do that when I can't even wake up and walk a few feet without withering in pain? There's so many walls to knock down with so little time. 

I guess you can tell it's been a bad day? Well, you'd be right to think so. I woke up from a miserable night with little sleep to only have endless diarrhea with a hint of blood. I was volunteering at a hospital and had to excuse myself constantly to poop. I'm not even embarrassed. I'm just frustrated. Then I come home only to enjoy joint pain in my knees and feet.

Oh and it'd be nice to have a nurse from a doctors office return a call every once in a while.

It's not fair. It's just not fair.

*insert life aint fair kiddo*

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