Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Monday, June 17, 2013

Camp M.A.S.H.

Saturday I got back from Camp M.A.S.H otherwise known as Camp MakeArthritisStopHurting! I have been looking forward to it for months & it was everything I expected it to be and more! A guy in my grade who has had JA since he was a toddler told me about this camp so I was happy to join him! I was in a cabin with 9 other girls around my age who suffered from JA, Lupus or Fibromyalgia. I was one of the older ones so I felt like kind of the momma hen in a group of chicks(literally) but it was still major fun! I met a 15 year old girl whom I hit it off with immediately! She made me come out of my introverted shell almost immediately and if it wasn't for her I probably wouldn't of had made as many friends as I did. She's a tumblr gal who loves to read and write and when I found out we both have a soft spot for John Green I knew we were kindred spirits.

At camp they separated us into teams by age and my team-the CIT's-got team tye-dye! There were probably over 20 boys and girls on my team and by the end of the week we were a family. We eat, slept & danced together all day every day. It was a blast! I rode horses for the first time and I fell in love with my horse for the week, Will. He was so sweet and patient. Team Tie-dye painted a bench together and planted flowers in Camp M.A.S.H Garden during arts and crafts time. We did archery and a ropes course together for team building exercise which was very tiring but very rewarding since there was a zip line! 

I also got to meet so e awesome nursing students and pediatric Rheumatologist's who worked with one of my GI doctors and that was really cool.

It was a great time and I have zero complaints!

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