Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Monday, May 6, 2013

Health Post-dumbed down version

I haven't done a post about my health in a month or two which is good because I have been enjoying all of what life has to offer me and my symptoms have been minimum but alas, paradise is lost. I have had some health issues pop up again and it's the same subtle persistent feeling I had a few moths prior to my June hospital admission.

My 'stomach' is killing me in the bottom right again and the burning is persistent. I am experiencing symptoms of vertigo, fatigue, headaches, body aches and just having no interest in anything. Okay the last one could be attributed to senioritis but ya know I'm just throwing that out there. I can't stop sleeping during my classes. Especially 3rd and 4th period. It's annoying but at this point my grades are good enough in those classes I can do whatever and get by. My life has been full of drama and anxiety(I've never felt that before) over things that I care deeply about. I'm sure that is a factor in this health mess. I think Cimzia isn't working as well as it once did.

I would call Dr. King but he's too stressed atm so I guess I'll wait till I end up in the ER. Blahhh.

Prayers appreciated. Sometimes I need to vent but I don't like bringing up my issues when my friends have their own little issues.

Peace out boy scout

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