Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Spring Break Body!

Okay, so I've been doing great following my new year's resolution except for in one area: Losing fat/getting fit but all that changed about a week ago! I recently joined a gym, got a personal trainer and am doing Zumba/Hiphop classes! It's incrediable how much life can change in a few weeks.

I had my first personal training session today. After hearing her talk to me and what my neighbors said about her I was like legit scared yall. Like. Legit. It wasn't bad though. I underestimated hown strong I was and the personal trainer did to. I was a comitted die hard black belt in Taekwondo before my DX took everything I loved away from me. When people thought Elizabeth they thought Taekwondo. We were interchangable. As each month passes by, I miss it more and more each day. Most people think I choose not to do it but I don't. I can't. I never have. I don't do it because I don't want it taken away from me again and I don't trust my body. Now that I'm doing personal training it's like my guilty pleasure. It's as close to Taekwondo as I can get. Heck, I'm even going to do kick boxing wednesday with the trainer since she & I both have experience in that area. I love it. I really do love it! I've been working out every day exercising any and every thing. It's been pretty freaking amazing but it also has been time consuming. It'll be worth it though. I wish I could be this dedicated about seeking God. That's next on my check list.

 Balance is everything.

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