Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Friday, February 15, 2013

Dr. King

Has my doctor appointment today with the FABULOUS Dr. King(don't tell him I called him fabulous-it's not a manly adjective and he'd probably think I was being sarcastic)! It was great seeing him & I was excited that he was excited to see me. We pretty much just caught up about and talked about how he was stressed out about switching to paperless with new computers but he'll be okay. It'll be a good experience for him. His new office he's building is beautiful! Love, love, love the theme! I know some of y'all are his patients so if you hadn't seen pictures- You'll love it! Anyways, we didn't talk a lot about medical stuff but the appointment went alright I guess. Can't blame him for not being all there because other stuff is on his mind. I've lost about 5 pounds and I sense a flare coming. I'm not happy but it's life I guess. Cimzia has been working great but I'm noticing a subtle decrease in effectiveness. My hormones have been crazy lately. Not just emotional but it's effecting my reproductive system. I'm not going to gross you out but it has to do with possibly cysts on ovaries and my cycle. Me stressing out about stupid guy issues doesn't help either. I'm never like this. I guess I'm just ultimately scared about my future. I yearn to be so normal and think of could've would've should've when there is no such thing. I wish I could've vented but everyone is going through crap. Anyways, Dr made a funny analogy about how our eggs are in a race in our Fallopian tubes to see who can be released and sometimes things go wrong etc etc. Sorry if it is medically inaccurate. I can't remember because I feel like crap. Dad & I went out to eat & I couldn't finish my kids meal because of nausea and pain. It's giving me bad flashbacks to freshman year. I wish my bloodwork would show my issues but that's too much to ask for obviously * insert sarcasm * I'm glad I got to get Dr. King a little "goody bag" of V- day junk food (: I wish the appointment went better so I could remember to tell him other symptoms but oh well. Life goes on. I guess I will remind him again next appointment. Loved seeing Ms. Cacyn & Dr. King! Love 'em to death! They inspire me to keep on keeping on and pursue being a doctor. I will be a good doctor. Y'all watch me! (:

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