Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Friday, September 26, 2014

Feeding Tube

Yesterday I had surgery for my feeding tube placement. I ended up getting a G Tube & in 4 weeks I will probably have surgery to put the "J" part in. The surgery was painful but I got through it. I started throwing up when we got back from the hotel from St. Vincent's. How I could throw up after not eating for over 15 hours, I don't know. 

Today I went to Dr. Kings to talk about feeds. He was super sweet, as always. He took off some of my bandages on my tummy. He said the tube is healing well & I probably will have surgery in 4weeks to put the j part in my tube. He said I could eat some with my tube but highly recommend I mainly just do feeds so it will help my Crohn's & Gastroparesis. He gave me a lot of kids pediasure bottles to try & do feeds with later. He wants me to bolus feedings for now to see if I can go without the pump. Which means I'll push a little bit. Wait 30 mins-hour. Push some more. & repeat the cycle over a long amount of time. He said the pediasure is already broken down for absorption but insurance companies don't like to pay for it so down the road I'm going to need to switch formulas. He's going to set us up with home health when we get back. 

He also gave us a lot of idoine swab my tube with and flushed my tube when we got there. He taught me also how I can "throw up" through my tube & "burp" through it. He gave me RX for some pain meds & nausea meds. I told him what pain meds work but since I'm still so sick he gave me nausea meds in suppository form! Fun, fun, fun! & he said to use liquid Benadryl & some other meds through my tube. All & all he was a huge help & told me I'm not limited with my tube except for going in lakes. And he taught me how to hide my tube in my "britches" or bra. 😂😂😂 

Nice to know I can eat occasionally. He has a special needs son he adopted with a G-tube so he knows from personal experience. He also said when I'm at camp for arthritis camp that I can put Gatorade in my tube to help me hydrate. So we still have a long way to go and lots of trial & error ahead but all & all I'm prepared! 

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