Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Friday, August 29, 2014


Home from seeing my favorite gastroenterologist Dr. King & favorite nurse practitioner Vivi! We talked about all my health problems collectively. He said I am on really strong meds for my Crohns and it's not textbook & will never be textbook & there's not much we can do for it but control the symptoms

Big news about my gastroparesis. I have been on a lot of meds to attempt to treat my gastroparesis but it is contradictory to my Crohn's. Gastroparesis causes you're stomach to be paralyzed and not work. But with Crohn's, my intestines work TOO good if you get my drift. After brain storming we have come to the conclusion it MAY be time to get a feeding tube. But this feeding tube will be VERY different than previous ones because it will treat my gastroparesis not my Crohn's. It will have to be put in by radiology because it will go through my nose & in to my intestines. I will not be able to remove it for social situations. I will have tube feedings 24/7. If the tube works we will eventually schedule a surgery for me to have a permanent one called a "GJ tube" or just a plain "J tube". I will not be able to eat anything by mouth for a very long time once that is surgically placed(years, maybe even forever). But for now we're just worrying about the TP tube that will go from my nose into my intestines. We're trying to decide if we should have it placed in Mobile, St. Vincent's hospital or UAB. We'll be contacting the GI in mobile to see if he's willing to place it at Providence.

Not excited it's come down to this but I am excited at a chance to live my LIFE again if the TP tube works. Big IF since my body hates me.

So in the meantime we'll be talking to the GI in mobile and see if he's willing to put in the tube at providence if I get it.

Thank y'all so much for the prayers! Since I got out of the hospital 2-3 weeks ago I've still been feeling cruddy but it looks like I may finally be getting the help I need 

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