Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Friday, June 20, 2014

Camp M.A.S.H.

On Sunday, June 15 I went to arthritis camp. It is a week where kids get together who have arthritis and just have fun making new friends who understand what they're going through. Parents love it too because there are doctors and nurses there that work there 24/7.

This year was my second year going. I was a counselor in training again. The place is just beautiful and offers so many fun activities. I had a blast in the ropes course, zip lining, going fishing, napping in enos, archery, making pillow cases, baking cookies and so much more. During breakfast, lunch and dinner we sing, dance and just have fun whether you're a 7 year old camper or almost 18 year old counselor in training. 

This year, again, I had to go home early. All week my crohn's symptoms have been progressively getting worse. I noticed it getting bad especially after ropes course. I was so dehydrated & just wanted to throw up. Over the next few days I noticed an increase in bowel movements and blood/bile in my bowel movements. The Rheumatologists put me on a massive dose of prednisone so my mom had to bring my own stash of prednisone to the camp one day.

Last night was the worse though. The nearest bathroom at camp was 4 cabins down from me so that was a task in and of its self: Dash to the bathroom, with arthritis knees, while trying to make it to the bathroom on time and praying all the stalls aren't full. 

After we had camp fire(where we all get together and talk about our day at camp and what we did to overcome arthritis that day), I got really sick. I found the nearest bathroom and was in so much pain just from my abdominal muscles. It hurt my "bottom" to sit down and get up because I was raw from the bile and blood. 

Afterwards, I went straight to my cabin & just cried. And if you know me, I never cry & I'm very independent. I guess at that point I just hit my breaking point. All I wanted to do was go to the med shed(where the doctors are) & get pain/nausea meds but I couldn't walk because it hurt my "bottom" and knees so much and I couldn't ride to the med shed on a golf cart because it hurt to sit down. And I just broke down. Begging God to please stop the pain. Finally one of my camp buddies came in and saw me crying in bed and told one of my counselors. They paged med-shed and the arthritis camp director to come give me medicine. I hate taking narcotics but sometimes you just have to get help.

Then the med shed/camp director called my mom and no matter how much I begged there was no avoiding going to the hospital. I left early and went straight to the ER where I was put in a room since I have a low immune system. I finally got admitted at 5 AM.

Today I was in and out of it all day. It's like I slept all day but I didn't? I had a flex sigmoidoscopy.  The prep was miserable. I had to get a huge enema and let's face it, when your rectum is inflamed that's the last thing you want to feel. 
My flex sig showed a tear in my colon and a lot of scar tissue. My GI tried to do the best he could to "patch it up". My potassium was also crazy low so I had to drink a disgusting combo of grape flavored potassium juice.

Sorry if this is scattered brain. But that's basically what happened. I couldn't use my cell at camp so sorry for any missed calls/texts whatever.

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