Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Thursday, April 10, 2014

My First Flex Sig

Early this morning around 6 I was woken up for bloodwork, vitals and my nurse with a clipboard in her hand asking my mom to sign the release form for my flex sigmoidoscopy. 

Not too long after I was woken up again by transport. I sleepily walked to the wheel chair when my pawpaw came in to walk down with me(my mom had to go to work). They took me to the waiting area where I tried to sleep some more before the procedure. Then they rolled my bed to the GI lab where I met my nurse for the procedure. She was very kind and knew I was exhausted from the night before so she let me keep my pink fuzzy blanket I bring to every hospital visit , turned off the light and let me slide down my pants and stay in my Tshirt since I was already comfortable. She even put the blood pressure cup on my leg. My new GI walked in and asked how I was feeling. I told him I was having a lot of lower right pain and was tired from the steroid induced insomnia, night terrors and constant bathroom use. He patted my leg and told me he'd get me comfortable. Then before I knew it I was out like a light.

I don't know too many details because I was in recovery but from my understanding he didn't get to see everything he wanted to see with the flex sigmoidoscopy because I had some stool in me(shocker) but that the little he did see didn't look too bad but not too good either. It had a few patches but he could definitely tell that the mucosa has been damaged but it seems to be slowly healing with the IV steroids. He started me on Entocort again(a steroid made just for the GI tract and has less side effects than prednisone) and some other medications. He's tapering the prednisone also. He left today to ge out of town but he'll be back by Monday and tell us more of what he saw & what the long term treatment plan would be. He told my pawpaw that he gave me a lot of drugs during recovery so I could sleep all day and catch up on some rest which is very sweet of him. Today I've been in and out sleeping but that's a good thing because my bottom is still sore from the procedure and using the bathroom. 
He warned us that the on call GI this weekend isn't pleasant but to just ignore him lol. I am so glad to have a nice GI.

Today my IV started leaking but the nurse thought it was fine because it had blood return even though the IV antibiotics were leaking everywhere. When I woke up from one of my naps my arm was drenched so I called the nurse and she said "Well I guess it is bad." It took 3 people and 6 sticks to finally get an IV. If this one goes out our nurse said I need a PICC but we're thinking a port may be better. Hopefully soon we can get a port consult because I'm tired of being poked and prodded.

I think I'm going to start some more school work later before I get my vitals and evening meds. I'll update more later but hopefully the next time we found out more news it will be Tuesday and I'll be discharged :)

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