Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Friday, November 1, 2013

No med trial is starting to catch up with me

As most of you know, most of my doctors agreed that it would be for the best if I stayed off 99% of my meds for a few months so Dr. King can scope me in January and re-access my case. Well I've been off most of my meds(with the exception of Prilosec and Zantac)for almost a month & I already feel like a complete mess. I didn't realize I was this dependent on my meds until now. 

This week has just been 'off' in all sorts of ways. Wednesday I went to see my Rheumatologist and update him about the Mayo Clinic and my symptoms. That morning my bowels were very active so I told him about that along with my joints being affected by the season changes  and he basically said "What are you going to do when your symptoms just keep getting worse? Does Birmingham(what he calls my GI in Birmingham) have a rescue plan for you?" I told him that this whole thing is just a play it by ear type of deal. He wasn't very happy that I was off all of my meds because he knows how unstable my disease is but he made me promise that of I get any worse to call "Birmingham" and go in the hospital. He checked my joint flexibility and asked me if I wanted a flu shot and since the flu is running rampantly in my school I said "sure" and got the shot. I went in late to school Wednesday only to get very nauseated and start vomiting. Since Wednesday I haven't been the same. I'm feeling a little bit better as far as running to the bathroom nonstop goes but the nausea and severe stomach aches are still present. I don't think the flu shot could just instantly make me sick(er) within 2 hours but, then again, I just don't know what to do at this point. 

If I miss school 2 days a week to give my body a break I'm "over-exaggerating" but if I suck it up and go to school and work through the pain(like I did last semester and the year before that and the year before that and the year before that) I'll end up in the hospital in no time and my doctors will get mad at me for waiting too long to call them. Ugh. I can never win. Your health shouldn't be a game like this. 

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