Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

"Quick" Update...If that's even possible.

Hello lovely's! Long time no read, huh? Well I have a lot to update on. If you follow me on social media you know the gist of what's going on but on this blog I can go in a little bit more detail with y'all, ya know? It's an open canvas.

Well let's start off with Friday shall we? Or wait. Let's just completely back up. After my two hospital stays this Summer my mom started thinking. She was investigating about Crohn's Disease and came across an article about Endometriosis and Crohn's. Her mind started racing. Everytime I go to the hospital I'm on my period or about to start my period. Endometriosis can also latch onto your intestines on the ileum and guess who has a lot of inflammation in her ileum? You got it-me! 
Everything after that was a blur. We had a consult within a week & a month later, last Friday actually, I found myself having exploratory surgery to check for Endometriosis and guess who got diagnosed with Endometriosis? Again, me. It wasn't latched on my intestines surprisingly but I had it everywhere else. The doctor was surprised because of my age but he said it was definitely possible. He burned off all that he could see.

I am actually in the car on the way to the mayo clinic, almost a week post op. After Mayo Clinic we'll discuss treatment options because some could interact with my Crohn's(like birth control). 

I have my appointment in the morning with my doctor at the Mayo Clinic and I'm trying not to think about because if I do I'll drive myself crazy with what-ifs. What if I didn't pray enough? What if he doesn't help me AT ALL? What if? I'm just giving it all to God. He can handle my stress much better than I do. Another blog coming up soon that isn't really Crohn's related. 

Love y'all! Remember to like my FB page Queen of Crohn's! 

It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. (Deuteronomy 31:8)

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