Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Mixing it up Mayo Style

As I'm typing this I'm on my way to the Mayo Clinic for my second appointment with the doctor & an MRI. Not really too excited for the MRI because the contrast you have to drink makes me extremely nauseated but if it helps my doctors I'm all for it! 

   This week has just been very depressing in a lot of ways. I realize that when you meet someone who's been sick for years you may not know what to say or do but whatever you do you just want it to come off positive but some people just end up making me feel really sorry for myself. Like "is my life so pathetic that people feel sorry for me?"

Well today was See You At The Pole & that morning we also had Chapel so God's presence was already felt throughout the school. During Chapel I had very bad stomach cramps. Like cramps that almost made me cry. I was trying to tough it out through Chapel and not disrupt the Holy Spirit moving in people's life. After Chapel I was ready to race to the bathroom but we were told Seniors had to stay after for something. One of my friend's came up and said she felt like God was telling her for all the seniors to pray for a healing touch for me. Let me just tell you how great our God is-I stood in the middle of the Church and everyone laid hands on me and held my hand and several of my classmates said the sweetest most powerful prayers for me to be healed in Jesus name. I couldn't stop thinking how amazing is it for everyone in the senior class loves and cares for each other like a family? 

After Chapel I tried to make it through school but I missed 2nd period entirely because every time I would about to walk into class I had to run down the hallways to make it to the bathroom. By 4th period I was exhausted so I just went home. It's gotten to the point where I can't eat or drink without vomiting or using the bathroom. I haven't missed so much school since my gallbladder surgery in 8th grade when all this started. I'm so worried that I won't get into college but I'm believing that I have the favor of The Lord and everything will workout in the end! Just please continue to keep praying for my family & I! Pray for doctor's to have wisdom, my family to have peace & for me to pass all my tests!

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