Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Friday, August 9, 2013

He set me free

Redemption- The action of being saved from sin, error or evil.

I have felt the need for so long to over compensate for having an illness. To save myself from my immune system. No matter how much I type or my Uncle Joe's best friend from Oregon types Crohn's and cure in the same sentence on google it's not going to happen. You try all these fad diets or supplements you see on tv to heal arthritis and Crohn's & you just keep getting dissapointed. You cry your eyes out after doctor's appointments because you're still in the same place you were 5 years ago: Not in remission. You just want control. You start getting angry over the stupidest stuff. "My teacher won't let me use a black pen? Am I not allowed to have say in what ink I should have now???" It turns into a never ending cycle all because you're trying to play God.

We hear every Sunday that we don't have to feel this way but we do anyways. I don't even know why I do it anymore. Do you know why you feel like you're trying to yourself from your own problems? I know now. Because we're human and we like control. Well I'm here to tell you today that I have a God who has redeemed me before I was in the womb. We don't have to overcompensate for our flaws or our family's flaws or are best friend's flaws. We've been redeemed. It's not as easy as that though. You don't just read a FB status and think "Well easy for you to say." You have to study the word & see for yourself that you don't have to save yourself because Jesus did that for you before you were conceived.

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