Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Monday, August 5, 2013

Big overdue update

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a great weekend! I have a big health update and a big spiritual update so I'll start with the most important update.

At church camp on August 1, my little brother got saved! I am very proud of his big decision to join our heavenly family! It feels good going to sleep at night knowing that I don't have to fear that I won't be with him for eternity. I got saved a while back the summer of before 8th grade at a mission trip. Since then my walk with God has been rocky but at the end of the day my relationship has grown above and beyond what I ever imagined. The thing is though when I got saved I didn't get baptized. I never understood the point of it. Is it not enough to say I'm a christian and act like it? To this day I don't completely understand it other than it being a public profession of faith. I think that's something I'll never truly understand until I do some intense over due studying. Anyways, back to the point. As a family we all decided(with the exception of my father) to attend a big church event that only comes once a year called "Baptism at the beach" we all officially joined my church(again with the exception of my father because he's been part of the church longer than us) and got baptized! I feel weird. Like a huge weight is lifted off my shoulder. I've waited so long. I got saved a few months before all my health drama began and I hate to use that as an excuse for not getting baptized immediately but I really think the reason why I didn't was because no one explained to me what baptism meant and how big of a deal it was. Heck, I'm baptist! Either way, I'm glad it's over and done with.

On another, weird, note here's an update on my health. 
Last time I left off I was weary & a tad indifferent and that's how I still feel. I have a date at the mayo clinic for September 24! It's so real and it makes me so nervous. This is literally the final step. If anyone can help me it's these guys. Truthfully I'm scared for a number reasons. What if they make me have surgery? What if they take me off medicine and I get sicker? What if? It just makes me anxious thinking about it. I'm trying to avoid thinking about it in hopes it will go away but I know it won't. After I found out about the Mayo Clinic we went to see my gynecologist to update him about all my Crohn's related issues and hospital issues. My mom did some research and wanted to discuss other potential diseases that could be causing my pain in addition to Crohn's. She thinks I have Endometriosis because every time I flare I'm either on or about to start my period. My periods are always irregular, I've always had vaginal involvement with my Crohn's and I could go on and on about reasons why but it's kind of awkward blogging about this so I'll leave it at that Hahahaha. There's also the possibility of intestinal endometriosis which can occur in the ileum and rectum which is where a lot of my symptoms are. After talking to him he agreed that it's a possibility so I am getting surgery to check for it on September 12(or 13 I forgot). I will have a preop ultrasound & doctor's appointment the week before and a post op ultrasound the week after. He will be checking my reproductive system and if Mayo clinic wants to, they can check my intestines. So I will be getting my post op ultrasound literally 3 days before I leave for the mayo clinic. It's crazy timing and we'll be cutting it close but it will be good to have a definite "yes" or "no". 

That's it for now; stay tuned for the next episode of my journey. To get daily updates follow me on twitter @Curlycrohnie or "like" my Facebook page Queen of Crohn's

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