Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Night Fit For a Princess

Last night was the night I dreamed about since I was a little girl-prom night! I have been counting the days down and it did indeed arrived! The whole day leading up to prom was a nightmare but m friend came through for me and the night ended on a light note.
It started out last sunday when I went to New Orleans with four other friends to buy our masks for Junior/Senior. Yes, the theme was masquerade! On the way over there I was very nauseated but I thought that it was car sickness. The next day was when everthing just went wrong. My neck was hurting, my stomach was cramping, my hips ached and my head was spinning. I thought it was the flu so my mom made me go to the Urgent Care. Okay can I get off track for a second and then I'll go back to the story & then to prom?

The PA was young and of course was a little overwhelmed with my medical history. When questioning me about my symptoms she said "Is there any chance you could be pregnant?" I shook my head and and said no. Then a few minutes later she abruptly asked me to go outside alone into another room with her. She closed the door quietly and said "I know you said you weren't pregnant but you're 16. You're an adult. Are you pregnant?" I looked at her in complete disgust. First of all, you JUST took a urine sample. If I was pregnant it would be positive and second of all I already told you I was on my period. I'm not a doctor but aren't those two things indicative of me not being preggo? ! I just looked at her and said "If I'm pregnant you're looking at the next virgin Mary." Her face was a mix of shame, disbelief and an awkward smile. Let me tell you guys, I walked out of there so triumphantly. I then called back to her as I walked out of the room, in front of the doctor who asked her to ask me again if I was pregnant "I've never had sex by the way."

Okay back to the story. My urine sample didn't show anything so that was good enough for me but luckily my mother wanted it cultured which lead me to get my problem diagnosed. The next day my mom got a call from Urgent Care and either they or my GI scheduled me to go to the OBGYN asap, which was thursday. My culture showed infection so we needed to see what was going on. I did have to miss my band trip the next day which was disappointing. It turned out I had a bacterial infection so I'm now on medicine to treat it. A rectovaginal fistula wasn't found. I am still progressively getting worse and I know something isn't right but I can't put my finger on it.

Well, this week has also been a very bad week for other family members. Everything from the pink eye to sinus infections are blooming in the Schmidt house. My mom was in bed till 2:00, it was raining, so I did pretty much everything by myself. My friend came over to do my hair and makeup which was a life saver. I was stressing out so much and I knew I was going to be a hot freaking mess but alas, I was not. I looked kind of decent. Since everyone was sick none of my family members saw me all dressed up. No pictures with dad. Nothing. I went over to my friend's house with about 10 other girls and we all took pictures together there and then went to prom. Our prom isn't like a real prom. It's actually called Junior/Senior Banquet because all we do is sit down and eat. It's pretty lame but it's the closest thing to a prom we have. It was still beautiful though! The 'prom' was at the Mobile Museum of Art so it was very elegant. After the banquet my friends & I went to an after party that a senior was throwing where we actually danced. It was kind of lame in some ways but maybe if I was feeling better it would've been better. I still had fun & was grateful I got invited.

Here is some pictures of me (:

Mrs. C- I'm going to miss her so much when she moves. She has taught me so much by saying so little. She always hugs me and pats me on the back when I feel so bad at school. She's the only teacher who has ever truly understood my pain as she's a cancer survivor. She is so beautiful & I can only pray that I can be like her one day. She is the weirdest person I've ever met but through it she has taught tolerance and love. I'm sad that our short time together is going to come to an end but she is going where God leads her and is going to bless other kids like me. This isn't goodbye but see you soon.
Peace, Love & Aliens

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