Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Saturday, May 17, 2014


I had my second appointment with my GI yesterday. He hasn't got a call back yet from my Rheumatologist so I can't start Imuran yet. He wants his opinion because both Imuran and Cimzia carry a cancer risk. 
We talked about my increasing symptoms and I told him I think most of it's stress from school so he told me to up my steroids to get through semester exams but I told him no. I just tapered down to 5mg yesterday. He was okay with that he just said I have his permission to raise it if need be. After graduation he wants me to get a colonoscopy so that's going to be fun. The sigmoidoscopy he did when I was in the hospital showed scarring in the rectum but he wasn't able to see much of my colon because I wasn't cleaned out enough. 

My school is making me do semester exams because it's school policy if you miss more than 10 days you have to take exams. So that sucks I have to go back up to the school to take exams while the rest of the seniors are out of school on wednesday & Thursday. Because I missed so many days due to me being in the hospital though, they're giving me all short and easier exams so that's good.

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