Crohn's Disease: Taking it one moment at a time

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Little Stings

Update on recent medical happenings:

Monday I had my first appointment with a doctor that will now be my PCP since I'm 17 and starting to transition from Pediatrics. It was also my first doctor's appointment I went alone to(baby steps!). He was really nice, quirky and funny. He sounded really interested in all my medical problems but still treated me like a human and not just a medical case. He even offered to be a helping hand when it comes to going in the medical field after high school and he said to call him anytime I needed help or had questions. He also was really proactive and I like that. He said that his job is to be the voice of reason with all my specialists so when things get crazy and I start flaring bad and all my specialists disagree with what to do he will step in and vouch for what's in my best interests. I really like that because making all these decisions and having all my specialists in my ear with different opinions is very frustrating. He said he's going to do some research this weekend because he wants to start me on birth control to help my endometriosis because he said he has a family member with Crohn's and her fertility was affected by it and he doesn't want that to happen to me in the future, especially since endometriosis is kind of a double whammy. I'm excited to have him as my doctor. I have been feeling under the weather for about a week now but I always delay telling my doctor's when I'm sick because I'm so busy & stressed with school that I have no time to be sick. But I woke up in the middle of the night monday choking on blood and when I turned on the light there was blood EVERY WHERE. It really looked like a crime scene. All over my pillow, pajamas, face, arms, everywhere. I knew it was coming from my nose though so I thought it was a sinus infection. 

Tuesday I went to the doctor to have my eyes re-examined because prednisone always messes with my vision. I also got contacts. Afterwards I caved & went to Urgent Care afterwards and they thought I had a sinus infection causing the bleeding & because my immune systems low enough as it is they didn't want me around people because when I get "normal people" sick, it's BAD. So they RX antibiotics and gave me a shot in my hip. Just to make sure though they told me to follow up with a Ear Nose Throat specialist. 

Today I saw the ENT and he did x-rays and something else similar to an X-ray and by the time he walked in I was already sneezing blood. He said he didn't think I had a sinus infection but wasn't sure but on the imaging he saw a lot of swelling in my nose, particularly in one nostril. He predicted it was coming from a large artery and when he barely tapped it with the q-tip it gushed out and he couldn't get it to stop. It took forever after numbing it and putting all kinds of stuff on it for it to stop. He had to cauterize it and do all kinds of stuff to it but it hurt so bad after he was through that I just told him to not worry about the other one and I promised him I'd come back if it got worse. He's not exactly sure why the artery started bleeding and swelling so bad but he said if it bleeds again I have to come back for him to do it again and we'll need to look into it more. 

Afterwards I drove to my mom's office so she could look at my nose and I stayed there for a little bit and then just went home because I'm just worn slap out from everything. 

I'm probably not going back to school tomorrow even though I really want to. I just feel like crap honestly. I have a Rhuematologist appointment next week too. This Saturday I'll be tapering COMPLETELY off steroids and I'm so excited!!! Hopefully this time I'll last a lot longer than my record last year. 

As far as symptoms wise of the Crohn's I've been doing alright. Have my good days and bad days but the steroids have helped tremendously. Bowel movements are getting more frequent but that's ok. If I can just stay strong and fight through the rest of senior year I'll be proud of myself. 

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